Exams That Work for You

Exam Schedule

By booking the exam, you agree to be bound by the examination terms and conditions, including our cancellation policies. It is your responsibility to be on time for your exam. Exam sessions will begin strictly as per the schedule, and no late arrivals will be accepted.

Online@Home Exam Dates

Your desired examination date must be at least 7 days in advanced. Please select the correct time zone for your remote exam session.

Paper-Based Exam Dates

Day Exam Date Exam Start Time
Friday 12 January 10:00 am
Friday 16 February 10:00 am
Friday 15 March 10:00 am
Friday 19 April 10:00 am
Friday 17 May 10:00 am
Friday 14 June 10:00 am
Friday 17 July 10:00 am
Friday 16 August 10:00 am
Friday 20 September 10:00 am
Friday 18 October 10:00 am
Friday 15 November 10:00 am
Friday 13 December 10:00 am
Day Exam Date Day Afternoon Registration Closing Date
Monday 4 January 27 January
Wednesday 6 January 28 January
Monday 11 January 1 January
Wednesday 13 January 4 January
Friday 15 January 6 January
Monday 18 January 11 January
Wednesday 20 January 14 January
Friday 22 January 15 January
Tuesday 26 January 20 January